Migraine is a
Complex, Brain Disorder

10th Annual Academic Sessions of the Asian Regional Consortium for Headaches(ARCH)

hosted by Migraine Foundation Australia and ARCH with support from the Global Patient Advocacy Coalition (GPAC), in beautiful

 Sri Lanka  

Migraine Foundation Australia Mission

Our mission is to mobilize a community for patient support and advocacy, as well as drive and support impactful research that translates into advances for patients with migraine and other disabling diseases that cause severe head pain.

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Migraine Management for Practitioners

A passion to share specialist knowledge and skills in the treatment of migraine, Prof Tissa Wijeratne’s new venture, Migraine Management for Practitioners, provides healthcare professionals with the latest clinical advances to improve patient lives.


The steps4migraine initiative is to bring awareness and raise money to support research, education and services.

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 10th Annual Academic Sessions of the Asian Regional Consortium for Headaches(ARCH)

We Take Care Your Health Seriously

Getting an accurate diagnosis can be one of the most impactful experiences that you can have.