Recent Developments in Migraine and Cluster Headache Treatment


I sat staring at my phone, anxiously hitting the refresh button. The FDA was slated to announce their approval of Amgen’s new migraine prevention drug sometime today and the sun was beginning to set. As darkness began to fall, my heart began to beat faster.

World Brain Day Focuses on Migraine in 2019


Migraine affects 1 in 7 people around the world, but this disease continues to be under-recognized, under-diagnosed and under-treated. Despite the impact of migraine and other headache disorders, there is only one accredited headache specialist for every 80,000 patients in the United States, meaning countless patients do not receive the care they need. Awareness is […]

Study on School Start Times Shows High Schoolers with Migraine Lack Adequate Sleep


While later start times did not correlate with fewer headache days per month, teenagers with migraine are still getting ‘nowhere near’ enough sleep. A recent study published in Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain underscored the need for sleep among adolescents with migraine, according to the study’s lead author. Amy Gelfand, MD, FAHS, […]

How to Use Essential Oils to Manage Migraine


I remember my reaction when someone would suggest a natural remedy for my debilitating migraine disease. “They were one of those people who thought a migraine is just a headache,” I would quickly assume. They clearly had no idea on just how debilitating migraine can be – the sensitivity to every light and sound, nausea […]

World Migraine Day 18 June 2024

World-Migraine Day

#Steps4Migraine #FivemillionStepsforMigraine #FivemillionStepsForBrainHealth Migraine is the leading cause of disability in Australia. There are over five million migraine patients in Australia. The cost to the Australian economy during 2018 was nearly $40 billion. This disorder continues to be the most neglected, least respected, worst managed brain disorder in the world, certainly in Australia. This disorder is stigmatized […]