Patient Guides
What is Migraine?
Stay up to date on the latest trends in #Migraine. It’s a neurological disease that affects 1 in 4 households in Australia, impacting over five million people. There are over 1 billion people with migraine worldwide. Migraine is not just a headache. It is a complex brain disorder affecting your brain health. Symptoms vary from person to person and can be debilitating for the 90% suffering, impacting education, careers and social activities. Despite its prevalence, there is still a misunderstanding and stigma around this disorder. Let’s open up this conversation and share our insight and experiences – what have your experiences been with #Migraine? #BreakingDownStigma #CommunicateMigraine #ItsTimeToTalk
Few facts
Migraine is a neurological disease with no cure. Symptoms vary from person to person, but the most common include headache, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, brain fog and dizziness. It is regarded as a primary headache disorder with many features- meaning nothing structurally wrong with your brain. All your tests will be normal. Any headache with nausea, sensitivity to light or noise, normal examination findings by doctors, and normal test results are likely migraines unless proven otherwise. You will not diagnose migraine by reading this post. Check with a qualified physician.
Migraine does not discriminate. Anyone can have a migraine.
For over 90% of those affected, migraine interferes with education, career or social activities.
Migraine affects 1 in 4 households in Australia. Five million people in Australia and more than 1 billion people globally.
Migraine is misunderstood and often mis- or undiagnosed. It is one of the least respected, worst-managed medical disorders globally.

Migraine Triggers
The #migraine community is abuzz with exciting findings on lifestyle factors that can help prevent migraine episodes. Recent research points to the vast potential of dietary and sleep modifications, yoga and exercise ( walking in particular, just as good as taking a prescription medicine such as Topiramate ), and stress management to help reduce migraines.
What have been your experiences with these emerging migraine prevention tactics? Share your insights and observations on the matter, and let’s explore how we can use science-backed strategies to help manage and prevent migraines together. #MigraineAwareness #MigraineResearch #MigrainePrevention #steps4migraine #worldmigraineday